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Application Developer (m/f) – Flash für den Standort München gesucht!


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Benutzerbild von realtime
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: Dec 2007

22.09.2011, 13:33

About us:
We are still a fairly young company: RTT will be just 12 years old this year. During those 12 years, however, we have grown substantially: More than 490 employees enjoy developing exciting 3D visualization solutions for clients such as Adidas, Airbus, BMW, Ferrari and Toyota on a daily basis. In addition to our headquarters in Munich, we have offices in Stuttgart, Hamburg, Brussels, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Detroit, Seoul and Tokyo. We are also continuing to develop. We are on the move in an innovative industry with a big future, after all: with technologies and services for high-end 3D visualization and Virtual Reality, we provide support to companies in the areas of product development and marketing. In short: We put on a big show for products and create an interactive product and brand experience.

We have lots for you to do:
In this position you will be a part of our application development team. This team plays a crucial role in the implementation of interactive applications in both the online and offline environment. In addition to programming and maintaining configurators and visualisers, your responsibilities will include the development of user interfaces including those for our handler systems. Furthermore you will develop tools for the newest technologies (e.g., multi-touch applications, iPad, iPhone, Microsoft Surface). Within this varied and exciting spectrum of tasks, not only will you bring your strengths fully to bear, but also you will become familiar with many technologies and make a contribution to our research.

About you:
You are confident in ActionScript 3 and Flash and you have a basic knowledge of other computer languages (e.g., C#). Dealing with HTML and XML is second nature to you and you know your way around PHP and databases. In addition, you are always enthusiastic about the newest technologies and frameworks. You work independently, logically and responsibly. Knowledge of Objective-C or HTML5 is desirable. You are comfortable in an international environment, good written and spoken English is not a problem for you and you can produce some appealing samples of your work.

Interested in the job, team and company? Then we want to meet you. – Please don’t hesitate to send us your letter of application together with your resume as well as work sampling.

RTT AG | Human Resources | Rosenheimer Straße 145 | 81671 München | Tel    +49 89 200 275-286 | Mail jobs@rtt.ag | Web www.rtt.ag
Schlagwörter: Actionscript 3.0, Flex

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