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Apache Flex 4.12 veröffentlicht

von Sebastian Wichmann, 11.11.2013

Apache Flex 4.12 is an update to Apache Flex 4.11.

Known Issues

Adobe Flash Builder Integration

Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 and Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 both contain a bug where,
when generating the .mxml file for a new project that uses Apache Flex 4.10.0
and Spark Application, Flash Builder will incorrectly insert the attribute:


This results in a compile error in the new project. The remedy is to simply
remove the errant attribute.

The following wiki page has been set up to contain the latest news on Adobe's
attempt to correct this problem:


Adobe have provided a patch for Flash Builder 4.7 that resolves this issue:


Differences from Apache Flex 4.11 include:

SDK Changes
- Improved Callout for Desktop.
- Improved UID generation performance.
- Changed DPI to be 160 for iPad and 320 for iPad mini.
- Improvements to Falcon MXML code generation.

Bug Fixes
Below is a complete list of all the bug fixes that have been included since
the last full release, Apache Flex 4.11.0.
If you would like specific information about any of the items below, go to
https://issues.apache.org and search for the JIRA Issue Number by using the
Quick Search. Details of the bug and its fix will be included on the
resulting page.

JIRA Issue Number and Summary
FLEX-33885 BindingManager#executeBindings : Avoid unneeded memory allocation
FLEX-33884 Android mobile app crashes when you click on a modal
FLEX-33880 Popup modal blocks the application
FLEX-33879 LayoutBase->getScrollPositionDeltaToElementHelper isn't ideal
FLEX-33878 Matrix computations : avoid unneeded flash.geom.Transform and flash.geom.Matrix allocations
FLEX-33877 BusyCursor : Avoid unneeded Point allocations
FLEX-33875 Runtime error #1069 in MobileSkin class on focus out
FLEX-33874 Binding management is memory inefficient when using the defaultDestFunc
FLEX-33871 message error "Definition spark.skins.mobile480.assets:ActionBarBackground could not be found"
FLEX-33865 ConstraintLayout / LayoutElementHelper are memory inefficient (and slow)
FLEX-33861 Flex Incorrectly Scaling Down Application on iPad
FLEX-33853 Optimize UIDUtil / RPCUIDUtil fromByteArray() method
FLEX-33852 Port UIDUtil optimizations to RPCUIDUtil
FLEX-33835 LocaleSorter#sortLocalesByPreference is slow
FLEX-33830 SDK 4.10.0 spark datagrid header and horizontal scrollbar behavior effected by app state change
FLEX-33829 Improve ArrayList performance
FLEX-33824 Disappearing spark DataGrid columns when we set dataProvider to null
FLEX-33813 Datagrid goes blank when assigning new dataProvider.source and calling refresh
FLEX-33779 RTE in Label.as when it's 8px wide and uses the Myriad Web Pro font face
FLEX-33772 Incorrect tab focus behavior (closed loops) when using focus groups (such as RadioButton components)
FLEX-33715 Error: Attempted access of inaccessible method getStyle through a reference with static type MXFTETextInput.
FLEX-33671 Warning messages when using experimental components.
FLEX-33632 Getting Run Time Error when loading resource module at runtime.

Apache Flex 4.11

Apache Flex 4.11 is an update to Apache Flex 4.10.

Known Issues

Adobe Flash Builder Integration

Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 and Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 both contain a bug where,
when generating the .mxml file for a new project that uses Apache Flex 4.10.0
and Spark Application, Flash Builder will incorrectly insert the attribute:


This results in a compile error in the new project. The remedy is to simply
remove the errant attribute.

The following wiki page has been set up to contain the latest news on Adobe's
attempt to correct this problem:


Adobe have provided a patch for Flash Builder 4.7 that resolves this issue:


Differences from Apache Flex 4.10 include:

AIR and Flash Player support
- Support Flash Player 11.9.
- Support for AIR 3.9.

SDK Changes
- 120 and 640 dpi mobile resolution/skin support, fixes to 480dpi skins.
- mx:AdvancedDataGrid and mx:DataGrid speed improvements.
- Added column sort type access to the datagrid columns in mx:Datagrid, s:Datagrid, and mx:AdvancedDataGrid.
- Able to easily change mx:AdvancedDataGrid row and column item renderer spanning.
- s:DataGridEditor will now be visible in ASDocs and be visible in the Tag inspector.
- Minor changes to make SDK compile with Falcon compiler.
- Added access to imageDecodingPolicy in BitmapImage.
- Changes to custom skin for s:DataGrid (was changed in 4.10 but missed in release notes)
- Changed UIComponent removedFromStageHandler from private to protected to allow override
- New experimental mobile spark datagrid.
- Updated OSMF swc to latest version (2.0)
- Renamed experimental supportClazzes package to be supportClasses.
- Mobile Callout moved to spark and can be used in Desktop and Browser apps.

Compiler changes
- Support for [Experimental] metadata tag.

Bug Fixes
Below is a complete list of all the bug fixes that have been included since
the last full release, Apache Flex 4.10.0.
If you would like specific information about any of the items below, go to
https://issues.apache.org and search for the JIRA Issue Number by using the
Quick Search. Details of the bug and its fix will be included on the
resulting page.

JIRA Issue Number and Summary
FLEX-33823 Certain DateField format strings causes null value in selectedDate
FLEX-33820 Cutted text after pasting it from MS Excel in spark TextInput
FLEX-33819 fontswf.bat error line 19
FLEX-33818 Spark Datagrid column resize and sort bug when releasing mouse outside of headers
FLEX-33813 Datagrid goes blank when assigning new dataProvider.source and calling refresh
FLEX-33807 DateValidator class (mx.validators.DateValidator) incorrectly validating date
FLEX-33803 Mark experimental components with the experimental metadata tag
FLEX-33801 Missing embedded examples in ASDOC on flex.apache.org/asdoc/
FLEX-33789 Logical error: self-reference in GridHeaderViewLayout
FLEX-33783 mxmlc -help returns 1
FLEX-33782 AccordionData labelField and labelFunction properties don't work
FLEX-33772 Incorrect tab focus behavior (closed loops) when using focus groups (such as RadioButton components)
FLEX-33771 compatibilityVersionString returns the wrong value
FLEX-33748 TabBar shouldn't be colorized in TabNavigatorSkin
FLEX-33741 Propagation of Escape key in mx.controls.DateField should only be stopped if the DropDown is shown
FLEX-33739 Duplication segment of code calling MultiBitmapSource getSource(dpi)
FLEX-33738 ArrayCollection addAll() adds items in the wrong order
FLEX-33736 NullPointer exception in VideoDisplay
FLEX-33730 RTE in Application.as line 2157 in Air simulator
FLEX-33726 DateField.stringToDate returns null when inputFormat has no separators
FLEX-33724 Error in mx:DataGridBase.addClipMask() when using custom item renderer and locked columns
FLEX-33722 Dragging a row with an itemRenderer which extends DefaultGridItemRenderer causes null pointer
FLEX-33718 Warning: variable definition duplicates function parameter in MX project
FLEX-33714 Falcon compiler is stricter with ++ and -- operator on constants.
FLEX-33712 DataGrid with itemRenderer Drag and Drop error
FLEX-33710 spark DataGrid isCellEditable is missing index bounds check
FLEX-33705 DataGridDragProxy created item renderer without a reference to the column
FLEX-33702 DataGrid columns unable to specify sorting internal compare functions used.
FLEX-33698 Shift Return creates new ParagraphElement
FLEX-33692 Spark button border issue
FLEX-33690 focus does not move correctly when there are multiple non-modal popup windows
FLEX-33689 Flex Library project unit tests creates invalid FlexUnitApplication.mxml
FLEX-33688 RTE in advanced list when setting selection to null and column is sorted
FLEX-33687 DataGridEditor is not visible in ASDOCS has been excluded
FLEX-33683 Bad ordering of ListCollectionView addAllAt
FLEX-33682 Large Advanced Data Grid slow to resize
FLEX-33678 DataGrid VerticalScrollBar disappears in CallOut or on StateChange in 4.10.0
FLEX-33667 Compiler with Apache Flex 4.10 occur error : Uncaught exception in compiler.
FLEX-33666 When scrolling a Spark Datagrid with the mousewheel after starting an itemEditor session, the itemEdito
FLEX-33665 ItemEditors are placed on the wrong position after scrolling an editable Spark Datagrid
FLEX-33657 Spark NumericStepper - View is decimal
FLEX-33655 RTE when closing SkinnablePopUpContainer
FLEX-33654 Spark Datagrid - ItemEditor Keyboad Ctrl+V & Ctrl+C dont work
FLEX-33643 Improve experimental CallOut component frame arrow display
FLEX-33636 Error when creating new project in FB 4.7 using SDK 4.10.0 (11.8/3.8)
FLEX-33630 ComboBox RTE when opened and DEL pressed OR when opened, text input and BACKSPACE pressed
FLEX-33428 mx:Text with htmlText attribute compiled for FTETextField displays no text
FLEX-33409 TLF crashes when hypens are shown in a multi span textFlow
FLEX-33159 addSortField method in the AdvancedDataGridEx degenerates the internal state of the Sort object
FLEX-33158 addSortField method in the AdvancedDataGridEx works inconsistently
FLEX-33157 Sort class: _fields and fieldList variables can be out of sync
FLEX-33131 rendererDescriptionMap is private, should be made protected to allow customizing the grid for condition
FLEX-33052 Runtime error when using a chart in a module in an app that is also using charts
FLEX-32998 NullPointerException in AdvancedDataGrid.getFieldSortInfo
FLEX-32848 AdvancedDataGrid doesn't respect style property 'textSelectedColor' for selectionMode='singleCell'
FLEX-28012 FormItemSkin and StackedFormItemSkib indicatorDisplay's toolTip is not localized
FLEX-27658 DataGrid component does not allow a default sorting order
FLEX-27648 ViewStack.getItemIndex() throws error instead of returning -1 when item is not a child of the ViewStack
FLEX-26779 DataGrid Problem
FLEX-25906 ComboBox textInput not cleared when dataprovider changes
FLEX-25369 Sorting DataGridColumn with complex dataField throws Null Object Reference
FLEX-22182 AdvancedDatagrid get resorted once a refresh on the group Collection of a sorted ArrayCollection

(Quelle: https://github.com/apache/flex-sdk/blob/develop/RELEASE_NOTES)

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