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Apache Flex 4.10.0 veröffentlicht

von Sebastian Wichmann, 06.08.2013

Apache Flex 4.10 is an update to Apache Flex 4.9.

Apache Flex 4.10 fixes over 200 bugs, introduces new datagrid features,
experimental Spark components,and adds support for the latest versions of
Flash Player and AIR. Improvements have been made to the build and testing
infrastructure and initial support for Linux added.

Apache Flex 4.10 continues to be compatible with Flex release 4.6 (Adobe's
final release).

Make sure to review this document to see what has been changed.

Known Issues

Adobe Flash Builder Integration

Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 and Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 both contain a bug where,
when generating the .mxml file for a new project that uses Apache Flex 4.10.0
and Spark Application, Flash Builder will incorrectly insert the attribute:


This results in a compile error in the new project. The remedy is to simply
remove the errant attribute.

The following wiki page has been set up to contain the latest news on Adobe's
attempt to correct this problem:


Differences from Apache Flex 4.9 include:

AIR and Flash Player support
- Support Flash Player 11.8, 11.7, 11.6 and 11.5.
- Support for AIR 3.8, 3.7, 3.6 and 3.5.
- Support for AIR 2.6, 2.7 and 3.0.
- Initial Linux support.
- Mac scripts to change Flash Player and AIR version configuration.

Compiler changes
- Support for Advanced Telemetry in Flash Builder, ant task and command line
- SVG support is no longer deprecated.
- SWF ProductInfo is now "Apache Flex" instead of "Adobe Flex"

Build script changes
- Improved clean targets in build scripts.
- Changed SDK description to include AIR version.
- Change the internal release number to be date format YYYYMMDD.
- Support for auto discovery of TLF directory and TLF_HOME environment
- Added no.thirdparty-clean and no.thirdparty-downloads options.
- Fixed issue with pt_PT, el_GR, en_AU, en_GB and en_CA locales.

SDK Changes
- New navigation for Grid, DataGrid, ComboBox, DropDownList, List, ButtonBar
and TabBar.
- New data grid features to lock rows and columns, sort multiple columns and
move and sorting columns via the keyboard.
- Row, column, cell and table datagrid double click modes.
- Spark RadioButtonGroup now has a selectedIndex property.
- Spark ButtonBar and TabBar can now enable/disable buttons.
- Spark ButtonBar and TabBar can now prevent the selection / toggling of their
- Added enabled property when buttons are created for the MX ButtonBar.
- Fixed RTEs in Advanced DataGrid when dynamically assigning columns.
- Fixed RTEs and improved performance in Advanced DataGrid.
- Improved support of dates including DD/MM/YYYY support, single digit day and
month in date formats and international dates including Japanese, Chinese
and Korean dates.
- Improved dates formatter and validators with timezone and millisecond
- Improved support for international number separators.
- Improved number formatting.
- Improved email validation.
- Improved NumericStepper.
- Improved DateField and DateChooser.
- Improve currency formatting support.
- More supported locales for postcode validator and formatters.
- Added 'no color' support to ColorPicker.
- Added removeItem to ListCollectionView.
- Bitmap scaling works in fill and crop modes.
- Fixed performance issue with matchesStyleClient.
- Improved performance of truncating text to fit.
- RPC toString improvements.
- Better support of small numbers and scientific notation in numeric steppers.
- 480 dpi mobile resolution/skin support.
- New fr_CH locale.
- Many minor improvements and changes, including RTE fixes.

Check the bug fix list below for more details.

Experimental Components
- Added new components Accordion, DataAccordion, InlineScroller and layouts
AccordionLayout, CarouselLayout, CoverflowLayout, StackLayout (and more).
- Spark CallOut and CallOut Button.
- Spark Alert.
- Spark ColorPicker.
- Spark MenuBar and Menu.
- Spark ProgressBar.

Mustella Test Framework changes
- Many improvements to mustella tests.
- Better consistency between running tests on windows and OSX.
- Fixed mobile and AIR mustella tests.
- Fixed issue with embedded fonts and mustella tests.
- Added more tests for charts, datefields, date formatters, OLAPDataGrid,
data grid locked row and columns and other miscellaneous tests.
- Regenerated mustella baseline images.
- Moved imageDiffAIR to utilities and added improvements.
- New patch testing service.

Version Control
- Apache Flex has officially moved it's code base to Git from SVN. Information
on the new checkout and build instructions can be found in the README file.

Bug Fixes
Below is a complete list of all the bug fixes that have been included since
the last full release, Apache Flex 4.9.0.
If you would like specific information about any of the items below, go to
https://issues.apache.org and search for the JIRA Issue Number by using the
Quick Search. Details of the bug and its fix will be included on the
resulting page.

(Quelle: https://github.com/apache/flex-sdk/blob/develop/RELEASE_NOTES)

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